Our Story

Evolve-Journal is a journal founded on suspicion, the suspicion that the current imagination of the African mind (the mind of the Ghanaian, in particular) is filled with preconceptions or total falsity and/or highly censored information that have disoriented its perceptions, and the thoughts produced from them thereof.

This journal’s primary goal is to reorient imaginations, contributing to the formulation of novel progressive ideas as well as engaging in discourses that focus on answering extant questions of the human condition.

Aside from our primary focus on Philosophy of science, History, Culture, psychology, we also publish ideas that span disparate fields.

We welcome unsolicited submissions, but the majority of our publications are mainly thematic, where writers are invited to submit contents focusing on one of our symposium subject matters. We also publish quarterly issues which explore contemporary subjects that directly affect the progress of Ghana and the African continent as a whole.

Our weekly newsletter, named Rotten Heavens, reports on articles that made rounds elsewhere in other journals.